

0 out of 5

2,950.00 2,045.00

  • 6g of EAA
  • 3g of L-Glutamine
  • 7g of BCAA
  • Natural refreshing flavours


Amino acids are classified into two general types: essential and non-essential amino acids.

Essential amino acids are those that can not be synthesized by the body on its own and thus need to be obtained from food sources or from a supplement such as Muscle Amino.

Non-essential amino acids are those that your body can produce, specifically by the liver, without any outside help.

Muscle Amino contains ALL 9 essential amino acids in a precise ratio.

Lysine:: plays a vital role in building muscle, maintaining bone strength, aiding recovery from injury or surgery, and regulating hormones, antibodies, and enzymes. It may also have antiviral effects.

Histidine: facilitates growth, the creation of blood cells, and tissue repair. It also helps maintain the special protective covering over nerve cells, which is called the myelin sheath.

Threonine: is necessary for healthy skin and teeth, as it is a component in tooth enamel, collagen, and elastin. It helps aid fat metabolism and may be beneficial for people with indigestion, anxiety, and mild depression.

Methionine: and the nonessential amino acid cysteine play a role in the health and flexibility of skin and hair. Methionine also helps keep nails strong. It aids the proper absorption of  selenium and zinc and the removal of heavy metals, such as lead and mercury.

Phenylalanine: helps the body use other amino acids as well as proteins and enzymes. The body converts phenylalanine to tyrosine, which is necessary for specific brain functions.

Tryptophan: is necessary for proper growth in infants and is a precursor of serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that regulates appetite, sleep, mood, and pain. Melatonin also regulates sleep.

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30 servings


Refreshing Orange, Citrus Twist, Juicy Watermelon


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